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genres=Music / creators=Chris Matheson, Ed Solomon / Release date=2020 / / 78 Min

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Watch Bill & Ted Face the Music 2020 Online free download. Watch bill & ted face the music 2020 online free 123movies. The movie is basically divided into 2 connected, parallel stories: Bill and Ted searching the future for the song they're going to write, and their daughters going on an adventure that's basically a rehash of the original movies. It suffers for this, as it means scenes are relatively short, resulting in less time spent on the more entertaining Bill and Ted scenes, and no time to actually inject humour or entertainment into the daughters' scenes.
As for the characters themselves, Bill and Ted come off as low energy, which takes a lot of the entertainment value out of them. But the daughters are worse, coming off like Bill and Ted knockoffs. They talk like their fathers, but it doesn't feel quite right, and because they lack the dim wit they are inherently less entertaining. They almost felt like they were pretending to have personalities that weren't theirs, like someone trying to fit in by copying the people around you.
The other characters are a bit of a mixed bag. Rufus's daughter was uninteresting and not even a half decent replacement for her father. Bill and Ted's wives were largely pointless, besides acting as a motivation for their husbands. Death wasn't bad, but wasn't fantastic either. And the new robot character was perhaps the most entertaining character of the movie (if you like his sort of humour) but he didn't get a lot of screen time. Was also nice for Ted's father to return, but he didn't make a huge impact on the movie.
The ending of the movie - which I won't spoil - is also disappointing. The movie constantly portrays Bill and Ted as being failures, yet the ending is barely a redemption for them. But what I disliked most is the fact that there is no epilogue. Everyone saves the day and then. the movie just ends. Considering we will probably never get another sequel, it is infuriating that we didn't get a final scene showing the characters back in their normal lives, but living happily ever after.
If they had cut the daughters from the movie (or just had them join their fathers' journey) and spent that extra time to expand on the Bill and Ted scenes that we got, then the movie might have deserved an extra star. Not only would it have been more entertaining, but the movie wouldn't have copied its predecessors so much. Throw in more energetic performances from the leads and an epilogue that was both a good send off to the characters and some kind words remembering Rufus and this could have been a 7/10. But what we got was average; yet another nostalgia sequel that borrows heavily from the movies that came before it and didn't live up to the franchise's high point. So watchable, but not worth going out of your way to see.

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